In Cuba, cigars represent more than just a simple pleasure: they are a hallmark of culture and national identity. Legend has it that “Habanos”, the world’s most renowned and sought-after cigars, are rolled on the thighs of Cuban women, melding tradition and allure in one act. A trip to Cuba wouldn’t be complete without delving into this mesmerizing tradition, making the Cuban cigar experience an indispensable part of the things to see in Cuba.
The experience offered by Apodaca 12 goes beyond mere tasting: it's a true journey through the history and traditions of Cuban cigars. You'll have the opportunity to savor the best brands and discover anecdotes and stories that have made these cigars famous worldwide. From the beloved Montecristo N.4, favorites of “Che”, to the legendary Cohibas that "Fidel" used to smoke, to the unmistakable Romeo y Julieta, the cigars that accompanied Winston Churchill's reflections. Dive into one of the most authentic and unforgettable experiences in Cuba.
Ready for the adventure? Join us for a unique experience and discover the true spirit of Cuban cigars.
Book your experience with Apodaca 12 now!